Tuesday, May 26, 2015

God's Love

As a teacher often times in class I will ask the young students why we have rules? They have learned the correct answers and are more accepting and appreciative of them, or at least when they are following them.

I often take it one step further and ask them why do their parent's have rules? This is sometimes harder for them to answer because it has not always been explained to them. I make it funny and ask do you think your parent's don't like you and want to make your life miserable? For young kids they know this is not true. Of course I know not to ask teenagers that question, because somewhere along the line we tend to think of parent's as our enemies.

Just the other day I asked my daughter, soon to be 22, to please break up her trip going back to school halfway and visit her Aunt and spend the night, then proceed on the next day. This would allow her a chance to visit as well as being more rested while driving. As you may imagine, instead of seeing my suggestion or request as caring for her safety and valuing the family, she saw it as a need to hide her intentions from me, as if I was the enemy without her best interest at heart. As a parent this is baffling to me! How can little kids get it, then as we get older we lose perspective?

This brings me to how God must feel about us sometimes. He has given his best with guidelines for success and happiness and somewhere along the way we think we know better than God and try to hide what we do, because we believe we know what is best and we go our own way!

 I am grateful for a loving God that no matter how far we stray, he never seeks to punish us for our disobedience, yet continues to pursue us in love calling us back to him for our good, so that we don't get hurt by our choices. Selfless love, it really is to hard to imagine, until you become a parent.... I am reminded of Nineveh in Genesis, as a great example of God's mercy, yet Jonah and his desire for punishment to the people.

As I reflect, I am thankful to the Lord for never giving up on me, and helping me to be a loving parent, modeling his love, as he has so graciously always been to me, even in my disobedience.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Storms of Life...

As I sit and reflect, reading past posts about the journeys we have been on, I am once again encouraged to keep walking. In the natural it is easy to get afraid and stop moving because we cannot see ahead of us, much like driving in rain where visibility is limited. It is only natural to slow down and sometimes even pull off the road, until you can determine where the road even is.

I sometimes feel like that in my walk with Christ. I am called to go, yet as I start making plans invariably my vision gets cloudy and I don't see a way. I instinctively freeze for lack of a view. What my past successes has afforded me though, is a confidence in God's protection and a peace in the storm even when I cannot see the road. On our recent trip back from my daughter's college graduation we encountered intense storms that hindered our view and caused us to slow down and eventually pull over. As the rains slacked where we could see the road we proceeded on with the journey even though our view was still limited. That reminds me of my current situation. Though the details remain obscure, and my vision is limited to just ahead of us, I keep moving and the road always appears beneath me as I need it too.

Faith really is a daily walk or drive, based on my recent experience. We are called to trust God as a little child. Mark 10:16. "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them."

I recently accepted a teaching post in Austin, TX and the process of moving begins again. A place to live, leaving behind family, friends and things. Starting over once again....Will this be our last move, how long will we stay, what does God have in mind for us here? All good and valid questions that I have no answers to. I do know however who holds my hand and for now that is enough.

Listen to this song and be encouraged in your storm, trusting God to see you through.

Song: https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIBubVxV6CYAl1v7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcG5nY3NpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVklEMDYEZ3BvcwMx?p=More+That+You+Think+I+Am+Gokey+Lyrics&vid=ba0d9edbb13d2086289e7099867bc583&l=4%3A03&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.5h5E%252b8cX5FUNqVKMytlL8g%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dea-TRh5RYCY&tit=More+Than+You+Think+I+Am+%28By+Danny+Gokey%29%7ELyrics&c=0&sigr=11b30g9pp&sigt=11givrqir&sigi=121f1gljj&age=1421023826&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=aaplw&tt=b

Saturday, May 2, 2015

God Loves You More Than You Can Imagine!

The other day while talking with my daughter it became apparent that she had forgotten how much I had and do sacrifice for her. I had to remind her of where she came from and how much had been done for her to be where she was. That it was not only her own merit, but prayer and sacrifice of not only me, but her dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles. As silly as it seemed to me, I had to remind her that I loved her more than anything, and there was nothing I would not do for her!

Is that not just like it is with us and Jesus? We get caught up in the world and focus on our own circumstances, thinking it is all about us, we forget all that God has done for you and me, and that he loves us more that we can imagine! He died for us, what more does he have to do? If we do not hear from him it is because we do not speak to him or listen to him. Much like Adam and Eve hid from him because of their choices, yet he still pursued them. He is always present, even in our sin, but when we allow the world and our decisions to choke out our relationship with our Creator, we forfeit that intimate fellowship and protection that he promises to us, his children. The one who loves us more than anything is waiting to hear from us! His love never changes!

Are you like my daughter who needs reminding of how much she is loved, and how much sacrifice has been paid for her? Are you hardheaded and determined to do things your way and forfeit the love of your Creator who knit you in your mother's womb and desires only the best for you?

I pray that we are all reminded this day to value what we have as God's children, that we walk more humbly in this world, shinning our light bright for Jesus in all we think say and do!
