Saturday, January 21, 2017

Fighting My Battles!

When we learn to turn over our hopes, fears and dreams we are promised that God will fight our battles. He will make our crooked places straight, he will answer our whisper prayers, he will open doors no man can shut, he will prepare a banquet in front of our enemies, he will never leave or forsake us.

That is where peace that passes understanding comes from. Yay though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil! God is fighting my battles. We don't have to worry, fret, or become caught up in our surroundings. Keep our God glasses on, and look to him to direct our steps with a confidence that he is in control of our life, and is working all things to the good that love him and are called according to his purpose.

Total surrender and submission, says not my will but yours be done, so that when the battles come, and they do, that we have the confidence and assurance that only comes from knowing Christ as our personal savior.

Go in peace this day my friend, knowing that God is fighting your battles!


Friday, January 20, 2017

You're One Step Away!

As we continue in the season of winter, as mild as it is in Texas, we are reminded that things are happening out of our sight, underground, in the spirit realm, behind the scenes. Battles are being fought, hope is being birthed. we are closer than we think. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Are you walking, straining, hoping, enduring, but tempted to give up?

My encouragement today is to hold on, keep walking, pressing, stretching and trusting in a loving God that is working all things for our good, even when we can't see the way. or understand. Commit each day to his leading and look to him the author and finisher of your faith, you're closer than you think!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Never Give Up!

Just yesterday I texted my daughter and told her how proud I was of her for her perseverance and determination in all she does. She wows me with her tenacity, her unwillingness to give up. When faced with a hurdle or a road block she merely looks for another way around. I remember as a parent this was a trait that drove me nuts! No wasn't no, it was merely an obstacle to be overcome. What I dreaded as a parent, I now respect in her as an adult. Never give up!

You know God's word says much the same thing. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world, do not be overcome with fear, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, do not be weary in well doing, faint not, keep the faith, the list is endless.

I hope today you are encouraged to keep the faith, keep walking though the journey is hard, keep looking for the window when the door closes and trust not in your determination and hard work, but in God's word that never fails. For we will come to the end of our rope and our own abilities, but that's where the miraculous happens! That's where God gets the credit, for it's not in our own strength, but God's power that resides in us.
God will never leave or forsake us.....

Monday, January 9, 2017

Loved By You!

With the start of the New Year and all of its' many changes, I am reminded each and everyday of Gods' never ending love! I pray as you reflect and look to God, with a renewed since of purpose and passion that you too can see Gods' fingerprints all over your life in a way that inspires and encourages you into the new year with zeal and passion! Though winter is still upon us, God's light is burning bright within giving us a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Just the other day my daughter received word that she was accepted into dental school, in a area that she absolutely loved! She was wowed and shocked! An answer to prayer. After many months of personal struggle in a variety of areas I have also seen break throughs and wowed by God's divine provisions in my life, as I continue to do what he has called me to do, even without knowing the end result.

As we enter the New Year I am encouraged to keep pressing on with tangible evidence of God's divine provision in my life and my loved ones. I pray that you too can see God's fingerprints in your life and trust that he loves you more than you can imagine! We are pilgrims on a journey, with some seasons more difficult than others, but when we trust in a living God that lives within us, we can have a peace that transcends our circumstances with a knowing that God has done it before and he will do it again. He is fighting our battles behind the scenes and even when we don't think there is a way, he is making a way!

Our job is to keep walking the walk of faith and trust God as he directs our steps, each and everyday! Be encouraged today and know you are loved by the Creator of the universe. There is nothing he can't do! Listen to this song and be encouraged......