Thursday, April 18, 2013

Here I Am Lord

 Psalm 31. "In thee O Lord do I put my trust. vs.3 For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me."

As we seek daily guidance, may this scripture speak to our hearts. Recognizing and depending on God to be our fortress, defender, shelter, hope and salvation for his name's sake, daily.

I have always admired and silently cheered the bible stories where the hard headed independent types stood their ground, not on their own merits, but on God's. As some look to super heroes, I look to these heroes of faith as examples of standing and trusting in God for provision and ultimate victory. Some favorites are Daniel and the Lion, right after Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego. Wow! Go God! I admire them because they stood up for what they believed in even when it was not popular and totally trusted in God for his deliverance. 

There are many examples of God's grace, provision and protection throughout the bible that hopefully give each of us encouragement to stand firm in our beliefs and trust God to see us through our trials that we encounter on our walk with him today.

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