Friday, March 14, 2014

Today's Thought.....

 "He is the Potter, I am the Clay"

I like the song with the refrain of, "Let it be said of me, my source of strength, my source of hope is Christ the Lord". A daily diet of good food and exercise leads to a healthy body. That same discipline in reading the bible and praying daily for God's will to be done, reflects a strong spiritual life. A phrase I have often repeated to my students and my daughter is "You become what you say and you are what you think. Think and say great things about yourself and others". Simple yet true, because our actions follow our thoughts. What are we thinking about today, or saying about others? Do those words and thoughts build us up and others around us? Are we encouraged to make the best choices and become the best we can be because of those words and thoughts, or do they discourage us and others to give up?  

Make no mistake about it, ANYTHING worth achieving is hard! It takes work, discipline, determination and a willingness to take the road less traveled. Also a good book. Many non-Christians understand this basic principal and apply it in the secular world. My encouragement to my fellow Christians is to look to God as the source of your strength, and feast daily on his word for his guidance and direction with hope for a more lasting success than what this world has to offer.

If I want to be strong in Christ and know the plans he has for me, I need to have a personal relationship with him that is formed by discipline to read his word and to pray for his guidance daily, allowing him to shape me. There is no short cut to forming a healthy body, or becoming a strong Christian. It takes discipline and a daily walk of good nourishment to get there. We are all doing something and we are all becoming that something or someone. Is that something who or where we want to be today?

Let me conclude with this pondering thought and question. Who would my child, my neighbor, my husband, my friends or my colleagues say is my potter today? The world, myself or God.


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