Sunday, February 24, 2013

Running Your Race

If you are like me, it is easy to  get off course when we look at others and take our eyes off of our mission. It often takes reflection and reviewing our goals, checking our coordinates, values and listening to our heart's cry and not the external pressures.

Questions that help me recalibrate are: What are my gifts, talents and passions? Am I using them in a meaningful way that is lasting? How am I spending my time and money? If today was my last, would I have regrets? How can I make today better for myself and those in my sphere of influence? Am I growing as a Christian? Am I leaving a legacy that is meaningful? Hmmm.....

I don't know about you, but my run has slowed to a run/walk literally and figuratively as I have gotten older, with a desire to be more productive and purposeful in my daily journey. I am learning to be more reflective, numbering my days, intentional living, with an understanding that I have fewer marbles in my jar, and wasted time and energy is not an option.

If we keep our eyes and ears on the Lord, our course is set for us. How long it takes us, will depend on our willingness to be led? I am learning to surrender my will, my desires, to my Creator, daily. How about you?

Proverbs Ch.3: 5-6:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths."


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