Friday, April 9, 2010

Love Will Keep Us Together

God's love transcends our love. He is ever loving, gracious, and merciful. His love knows no limits. Psalms Ch 37:23-24, encourages us to love our Lord, all his saint's, with promise to preserve the faithful and plentifully reward the doer. Be of good courage and God promises to strengthen our hearts, all who hope in the Lord.

God not only loves us more than we can imagine, but when we return his love that he gives us so freely, he rewards us and our children, such that everyone around us benefits because Christ's love spills over into their lives as well.

Help us today to be open to God's love and let him fill us up to overflowing. For his love will keep us together! Listen to these songs and think of the words as God's love to children.

A couple of oldes that should bring a smile.

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