Saturday, February 20, 2016

All I Can Do, Is Say Thank You!

I cannot help but be grateful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family. His continued protection of family and friends here and around the world. His many answered prayers for those on my prayer list and many unspoken ones. I am humbled and awed by his love, as I can only try to come close to understanding his love for us, like a parent loves their child. I look at God's creation and see that all of his animals are created in a family of love and dependence, modeling his love for us.

As a parent, we can also best understand the instruction he gives us for giving thanks. Think of your own children and how we teach them to say thank you and to pray before eating. We do this because it teaches them to have a grateful heart that is appreciative for what they have and what is done for them. No parent wants a demanding, self centered child that is ungrateful. Yet that is exactly how we behave at times with God and those closest to us.

The scriptures encourage us to be thankful and "With thanksgiving let your request be known to God." We all have much to be thankful for. The young and old I enjoy being around the most are those that are appreciative for all things, little and big. Their spirit is contagious and uplifting.

Reflection.....How am I showing my gratitude today?

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