Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God is So Good!

A familiar song verse, "Through it all I have learned to trust in Jesus, I have learned to trust in God. Through it all, I have learned to depend upon his word." I have learned in good times and bad that God is there for his children. I have learned to listen to the still small voice for divine guidance and direction that his word says that IF we follow his commandments then we have access to the promises that are in his word. So even when bad times come, if we know we are doing what is right by his spirit that is within us, then we can trust God to see us through. Pay close attention to the word "through". His word does not say over, under or around, but he does promise to never leave or forsake us.

I did not get to where I am today on my own and I will not stand on my own and I am glad we do not have too. God is working all things for our good and we can rest in his promises of protection and provision as his children.

Are you struggling today and losing hope or wondering why? My encouragement to you today is to hold on and trust in GOD. He loves you more than you can imagine!

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