Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I Will Cast My Cares On You!

Everyday we have a chance to cast our cares on God, with a knowing that he cares for us, through a regular communion that happens through our spirit. Even in times when our thoughts would say, well if he doesn't take care for this simple request, how can I trust him with my bigger needs? We then have to remind ourselves, we don't have to know the answers, we just have to trust him

It is during these times of mental tug of war, I have learned to let go and allow him to have his perfect way, irrespective of my thoughts. Would you know, whatever it is I am praying for disappears and is resolved even without me thinking about it again. It is during that time of release and submission, with complete trust, where God has never left me.

How about you? Are you willing to truly let go and say God whatever your will, and take it to the worst conclusion that you fear the most and say even if "this" continues, I will trust you

When we face our fears, whether big or small, with a loving God who loves us more than we can even hope or dream, we can "let go" of the outcome of any and all situations and trust in God's loving mercy for his children. 

Won't you trust him today? Faith as a child is how the bible puts it..... 

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