Monday, July 11, 2016

In the Eye of a Storm

If you are from somewhere that has hurricanes you are familiar with the phrase the "eye of the storm". If not, it is a brief place of calm after the onslaught of the storm, where the winds change directions as it passes through. You see during this time if you didn't know better you would think the storm was over, you go outside and think okay I made it, but experience tells you the worst is yet to come.

You see in life we also have these storms, where things hit us and then we come to a place of calm even before everything is resolved. We are tempted to let down our guard and stay there, yet life experience says if we're to get to where we aspire, we can rest, but then we have to give that final push which often times is the hardest, to get to where we are suppose to be.

Think of child birth, the third quarter of a game, the last 100 yards of a race, the list is endless. That my friend is "life". How we handle the end of the race so to speak, determines the outcome. Many start the race, and some faster than others, but it's how we finish the race that determines our destiny.

Think about the man on the cross next to Jesus, the woman at the well, Joseph, Moses, David, Mary. This list also goes on. The bible teaches us to put our trust, faith and hope in God.

We are all on a journey, going somewhere, doing something. I read that wisdom is gained by reflection, imitation and or experience. Are we where we want to be, are we tired and wanting to give up, are we depending on ourselves, or looking to the author and finisher of our faith?

Are you crossing the red sea today, are you tired and ready to give up, are you frightened of the unknown? What helps us most in the "eye of the storm" is to keep our eye's on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. In ourselves we will get tired and discouraged, but with Jesus all things are possible, if we trust in him and keep pressing on.


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