Monday, August 29, 2016

It's Time....

Have you ever had ideas, hopes, dreams, uncertainties and not sure which direction to go with all of them. The more ideas you have the more confused you get. Your mind is like a foosball going all over the place, but never really getting anywhere.

The message that resonates with me today is to get my hands dirty. In other words, get doing and not just thinking. The question then is where to start? As Yogi would say, "When you come to the fork in the road, take it"!

Sometimes in life we get paralyzed with where to start. Like you, I have a lot of hopes and dreams that are yet to be realized, but not sure where to take action. 

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, give us ears to hear your promptings, what you want us to do and then help us to be willing to move. Amen....


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