Tuesday, May 28, 2013

GIve Me Words To Speak.....

A few years back my daughter came home from school and shared what a guest speaker had encouraged them to do. They started by making a bracelet of yarn and every time they complained about something they were encouraged to move it to the other arm. It was a simple exercise to make them aware of how much they might be complaining, often times without even realizing it.

 What if we took the same exercise and moved the bracelet every time we showed gratitude? I wonder how much my own bracelet would move? We all have much to be grateful for even in our most dire circumstances, but sometimes the habit of gratefulness needs to be practiced until we start seeing all God has done for us each day.

Though times are tough and obviously people are concerned about what the future holds, we are asked to be faithful stewards of what we have, and keep our eyes on Jesus and not the storm. Let us hold firm and keep the faith, being good stewards of the manifold of grace that God had gives us each day. Help us to build each other up in words and deed, shinning God's love to those around us in all we say and do. I John Ch. 3-5. 

Thought for the day: If we were convicted of being Christians, would there be enough evidence?

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