Thursday, May 30, 2013

What Are We Afraid Of?

Do you ever find yourself worrying about your circumstances, fretting the unknown? I think for most of us that is a pretty normal occurrence, yet the bible calls us as Christians
to think differently. Let us look and see what it has to say about how we should think.

Matthew Ch. 6 vs 33-34. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness." Take no thought for tomorrow, for today is evil enough with promise that says, I will take care of you, I know what you have need of." The gospel of Matthew is full of instruction and encouragement.

I am relieved to know we serve a loving God who knows our every need. Not only are we promised eternal salvation, but the fix is in. We have a winner in our corner, the end has already been determined. We have absolutely NO reason to fear! What more could we ask for in this life, and in our life to come.

We are honored to serve a loving God that knows our every need even before we ask. He desires to give us his best. Let us get out of the way with our small thinking and rejoice! God is working all things for our good. Brothers and sisters in Christ we have reason to be excited!

 The question then is, why are we living in fear, under our circumstances? Do we not believe in his promises, have faith or trust the maker of heaven and earth?

Christ scolds us in Matthew Ch. 6 vs.30, "Oh ye of little faith." With his disciples he does the same. Ch.8 vs. 26. I am sure he must get tired of us with all of our whining."Let us run with patience the race that is before us, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." Hebrews Ch. 12 vs 1-2.

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