Monday, July 27, 2015

Imprinting and Reflections....

The other day while reading I came across some research on an eagle's imprinting that is done by the parent. It caused me to reflect on my own parenting and what I had imprinted intentional or not on my own child. I then thought about the students I teach and how my words and actions can affect them,  then I thought about my own parents. How my views and thought processes were formed at an early age by what they did or said.

In my current teaching post you would say I have done a lot of "reflecting" on my readings. Of course the next step in reflection, is action. Now what do I do with the information I have gleaned?

As I digest the information and become more conscious of my personal interactions, I am challenged to walk more humbly, realizing whether I know it or not my words and actions have an impact on how I think and everyone I encounter daily! For some I will make a slight impression, yet others I will leave a large imprint, however I do not always get to choose how much.

If I use the example of a hand or foot print in a mold, depending on when I put my hand on it and how much time and or pressure is put on the mold will determine how deep the imprint is. Hmmm....

Final thought is what am I allowing to imprint me now and what kind of imprint am I leaving on others? As an adult I get to choose what I put in my mind, what I listen to, what I accept as views, attitudes or beliefs, as long as I am aware of the process I know I can and will become who I hang around with and or listen too. How much more for our kids as their mold is still very soft and impressionable. May we all be more intentional in our words and actions today.

Here is the link that I hope causes as much reflection for you as it did for me.

Blessings on your journey.....

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