Saturday, July 18, 2015

What Is Your Purpose?

If we accept that God created us in his image and we were made to worship him, then our original purpose was to love and serve God. He created Adam and Eve, put them in a lush garden and sought fellowship with them. Through disobedience they were thrown out of the garden and cursed to work the land and toll throughout their lives. Genesis 3:17-19.

So fast forward to you and me. We are still created in God's image, with a purpose of fellowship with him. The difference is now we have to work and toll the land until our death. So that brings me to the original question. What is our purpose? How do we make meaning out of our lives through all of its' seasons and settings?

We know some will grow up faster than others and have to work to survive. We also know others that will lead very easy lives, as a result of their settings. As we transition from young adults, and then into seniors our settings also change. How do we maintain our purpose and live meaningful lives in light of all these various scenarios?

If we live dynamic or static lives, hard or easy by the world's standards, the original plan remains. To love and serve God with all of your heart. The first commandment of God, followed by the second, loving your neighbors as yourself.  Matthew 22: 36-40.

What that looks like for each of us will be different depending on our gifts and talents and place in life, yet with a daily submission to our Creator, we can all live meaningful, productive lives, regardless of our settings. So don't look to your neighbor, or fret someone else's path. Focus on what God has created you for, each day of your life, and live the purposeful life God created YOU for!


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